Slovenským a českým krajanom sa odporúča čím skôr zaregistrovať po príchode do UK do Slovenskej katolíckej misie (SCM) v Londýne ako jej členovia. Viac nájdeš v sekcii REGISTRÁCIA ČLENA (FARNÍKA) SCM.

A Christmas message from Archbishop Vincent Nichols

“As Christmas approaches, our hearts turn to the Lord and to His coming into the world. We remember the fragile baby boy, born in a lowly manger in Bethlehem. This reminds us of the humility and loving generosity of God towards every human being. The eternal word assumes our flesh. This is the source of our hope, for now every human life is clearly of eternal significance.”

+ Vincent Nichols, Archbishop of Westminster

(Archbishop Nichols will celebrate Christmas Midnight Mass at Westminster Cathedral. The Midnight Mass will be televised live on BBC-1 Television, starting at 11.45pm on Thursday 24 December 2009.  Archbishop Nichols has issued a Pastoral Letter to the Diocese of Westminster for the Feast of the Holy Family, Sunday 27 December 2009. More info =
