From: Mathew D'Souza <>
Subject: Data protection training - RESPONSE REQUIRED
Date: 26 July 2024 at 13:28:41 CEST
To: Mathew D'Souza <>
Cc: Adrian Cullen <>
Dear Chaplain,
I write to invite you, along with the person who assists you with administration, to attend a very important data protection training session, from 2-4 pm on Wednesday 18 September at Vaughan House (SW1P 1QN). It is 6 years since the GDPR became law and our records show that you have not received any training provided by the diocese.
This training will cover how to collect, store, and process individuals’ data. Your attendance will help ensure compliance with data protection principles, which is a requirement for our diocesan insurance. I will also be giving a demonstration on FREE diocesan database tha...
Dobrý deň prajem, Volám sa Juraj Benko a som slovenský herec a umelecký tvorca. Prinášam do Londýna svoju novú ‘one-man show‘ Honey Badger’. Predstavenie bude mať premiéru v Spojenom kráľovstve v The Cockpit London od 10…. Pokračovať v čítaní »