Slovenským a českým krajanom sa odporúča čím skôr zaregistrovať po príchode do UK do Slovenskej katolíckej misie (SCM) v Londýne ako jej členovia. Viac nájdeš v sekcii REGISTRÁCIA ČLENA (FARNÍKA) SCM.


dvere do kostolaBOHU VĎAKA!

Milí krajania,

s radosťou oznamujeme, že z rozhodnutia vlády Spojeného kráľovstva a Veľkej Británie a Konferencie biskupov Anglicka a Walesu bohoslužby v našich chrámoch sú znova obnovené. 

Teda počnúc nedeľou 5.júla 2020 sa obnovia slovenské bohoslužby v kostole SCM Our Lady of La Salette and St Joseph.

Pre slávenie bohoslužieb platia všeobecne nariadenia o počte účastníkov spoločného zhromaždenia, pohybe v chráme, hygiene a užívaní ochranných prostriedkov a využívaní priestorov. Úctivo si vás dovoľujeme požiadať o ich striktné dodržiavanie.

Pokračujeme v zavedenom rytme:

streda a piatok

– 18.45 – 19.20 spovedanie

– 19.30 – 20.00 sv.omša



– 12.30 – 12.50 spovedanie

– 13.00 – 14.00 sv.omša

večerné sv.omše v mesiacoch júl, august a september nie sú


List karidnála Vincenta Nicholsa, ktorým oznamuje povolenie sláviť bohoslužby v kostoloch rímskokatolíckej Cirkvi v Anglicku a Walese.

Dear Father,

As you will have heard by now, the government has announced today that, from 4th July, we can resume our public liturgies. We welcome this good news that will allow us to gather once more with parishioners to celebrate Mass and the other sacraments. We await further guidance from the government and from the Bishops’ Conference, which will be distributed as soon as it is available.

Below you will find the Cardinal’s statement about this welcome news. Please do share it with your parishioners.

I welcome the statement by the Prime Minister earlier today, that places of worship are now able to resume collective acts of worship from 4 July. This is welcome news for members of all religions in England. I thank all who have worked hard to bring this about, not least my fellow religious leaders.

As Catholics we now look forward to being able to celebrate Mass together again from 4 July. We have waited with patience and longing for this moment, understanding the importance of protecting the health of people in our society. Now we are full of anticipation that we will be able again to take part together in the Eucharist, which lies at the centre of our faith.

It is important that we continue to abide by the guidance, given by the Government, on appropriate social distancing and the other measures to avoid all unnecessary risk. Our own detailed  guidance will be distributed around dioceses and parishes so everyone can be confident that they may come to Mass securely  and understand the part they are to play in protecting each other from any remaining risk of infection.

The past few months have been a time of fashioning new patterns of prayer, new ways of exploring and enriching our faith and vigorous ways of reaching out to those in need. We can build on these, forgetting nothing of the graces we have been given. Yet now, with the experience of opening our churches for individual prayer already gained, this return to the more normal patterns of worship will be of great importance to all Catholics.

This time of our ‘Eucharistic fast’ has made our hearts grow in longing for that moment when we can come together and receive again the Body and Blood of Christ in the Eucharist. That moment is now very near and for that we thank God.

With assurance of my prayers as we receive this joyful news,

with every good wish


Bishop John Sherrington

Auxiliary Bishop of Westminster

